About Me

Hello! My name is Amelia and welcome to my blog, I hope it can offer you some enjoyment but if not at least there's pictures! I'm student currently studying costume design with performance at the Arts University College of Bournemouth. I'm a maker and here's what I'm currently working on......

Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Jester designs

These are the Jester designs we're making for the dance company. There are 7 Jesters in total and their costumes are all made up of different elements which can be attached to the base costumes which all the dancers will be wearing. We're making a lot of the costume parts in the evening workshops with the volunteers which is making it a much  more relaxing and enjoyable process as there is less stress and pressure to get all the costumes completed on time as we have so many pairs of hands helping out.

I'm in charge of making a sample collar which i will then have on display in the workshops so that the volunteers helping us have something to work from for guidance so that they know what we want the collars to look like.

The collars are all slightly varied so i will talk with whoever decides to make a collar what it is that needs to be different in order to make it suitable for a specific jester.
Overall i'm quite confident that as a group of costumes The Jesters are going to be enjoyable and easy to make as there aren't any huge elements that needs to be made up on mass.

For this Jester i have already made up the collar which will also be the sample collar to show in the workshop and for this design i will also be making the hose.

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